Chapter 9 Quizlet Flashcards

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  1. Chapter 9 Flashcards Quizlet Child Development
  2. Chapter 9 Flashcards Quizlet Psychology

Lord Of The Flies Chapter 12 Questions And Answers Quizlet Lord of the Flies study guide questions. 79 terms By Lord of the Flies: Chapter 12. 13 terms Lord of the Flies Questions and Answers. Vocabulary words for Lord of the Flies (Chapter 11). Includes studying games and tools such as flashcards.

connective tissue composed of a liquid medium called plasma
WBC's that protect the body against invasion by pathogens
an undifferentiated cell is where blood cells are developed
RBC development in which RBC decrease in size and just before maturity, the nucleus is extruded
iron-containing compound developed by RBC's that gives them their red color and carries O2 to body tissues in exchange for CO2
most numerous circulating leukocyte, and are motile and highly phagocytic
final step of coagulation in which this protein becomes insoluble and forms a net the traps blood cells
liquid portion of the blood and made of about 92% water and contains plasma proteins such as albumin and fibrinogen
ex. have negative blood type, have to get another negative blood type
caused by incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood
lymph system fluid in which lymphocytes and monocytes are suspended
maintains fluid balance of the body by draining extracellular fluid from tissue spaces and returning it to the blood
macrophages phagocytize bacteria and other harmful material
located in the upper part of the chest and it transforms certain lymphocytes into T cells (reaches maturity)
directly attack viral infected cells or cancer cells
turn into plasma cells (make antibodies, do not directly attack)
abnormal condition; increase (primarily with blood cells)
branch of medicine that studies disorders of the immune system
any condition in which the O2 carrying capacity of blood is deficient
infectious disease that attacks T cells and is caused by HIV
broad range of inflammatory changes and can include hives, eczema, and asthma
life-threatening condition due to extreme exposure to an allergy
genetic disorder caused by a defect in the gene responsible for hemoglobin synthesis
failure of the body to distinguish accurately between 'self' and 'nonself'
abnormal accumulation of fluids in the intercellular spaces of the body
hereditary disorder in which the blood-clotting mechanism is impaired
one of the acute infections caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
destruction of a transplanted organ or tissue by the recipient's immune system
condition that occurs following bone marrow transplant in which the immune cells in the transplanted marrow produce antibodies against the host's tissues
localized accumulation of blood, usually clotted, in an organ due to a break or severing of a blood vessel
destruction of RBCs with a release of hemoglobin that diffuses into the surrounding fluid
immunity produced by the person's own immune system
(receiving) antibodies or other immune substances formed in one individual are transfered to another to provide immediate, temporary immunity
measurement of the percentage of RBCs in a while blood sample
test that measures the time it takes for plasma portion of the blood to clot. it's used to evaluate portions of the coagulation system
infusion of blood or blood components into the blood stream
grafting of living tissue from its normal position to another site or from one person to another
prevent blood clot formation by inhibiting the synthesis or inactivating one or more clotting factors
dissolve blood clots by destroying their fibrin strands

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