Full List Of Marlboro Cigarettes

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If someone just asks you for a pack of marlboros they probably mean this Golds: Lights. People might use 'gold' and 'light' interchangeably. All software free download full version. Slivers: The ultra-lights Blacks: A bold version of regular marlboros. The one with the red stripe is full flavor, the one with the green stripe is menthol.

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This is the list of 599 additives in cigarettes submitted to the United States Department of Health and Human Services in April 1994.[1][2][3][4] It applies, as documented, only to American manufactured cigarettes intended for distribution within the United States by the listed companies. The five major tobacco companies that reported the information were:

One significant issue is that while all these chemical compounds have been approved as additives to food, they were not tested by burning. Jeux de xbox 360. Burning changes the properties of chemicals. According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute: 'Of the more than 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 250 are known to be harmful, including hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. Among the 250 known harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 69 can cause cancer.'[5][1][6]


See also: Tobacco packaging warning messages. Some examples on the right.
Brazil's third and current batch of graphic images, mandatory on all cigarette packs.
The front of a 20 pack of Marlboro red cigarettes sold in New Zealand.
Filipino graphic tobacco packaging warning messages currently used
  • Alfalfa extract
  • Allspice extract, oleoresin, and oil
  • Amyris oil
  • Angelica root extract, oil and seed oil
  • Anise star, extract and oils
  • Apple juice concentrate, extract, and skins
  • Apricot extract and juice concentrate
  • Asafetida fluid extract and oil


  • Balsam of Peru and Oil
  • Bay leaf, Oil and Sweet Oil
  • Beet Juice Concentrate
  • Benzoic acid, Benzoin
  • Black Currant Buds Absolute
  • Butter, Butter Esters, and Butter Oil


  • Cardamom Oleoresin, Extract, Seed Oil, and Powder
  • Carob bean and Extract
  • Cascarilla oil and Bark Extract
  • Cassie Absolute and Oil
  • Castoreum Extract, Tincture and Absolute
  • Cedar Leaf Oil
  • Cedarwood Oil Terpenes and Virginiana
  • Celery Seed Extract, Solid, Oil, And Oleoresin
  • Cellulose Fiber
  • Chamomile Flower Oil And Extract
  • Chicory Extract
  • CinnamonLeaf Oil, Bark Oil, and Extract
  • Clover Tops, Red Solid Extract
  • Cocoa Shells, Extract, Distillate And Powder
  • Coriander Extract and Oil


  • Dandelion Root Solid Extract
  • Dill Seed Oil and Extract


  • 4-Ethylphenol (para-Ethylphenol)


  • Fennel Sweet Oil
  • Fenugreek, Extract, Resin, and Absolute
  • fig Juice Concentrate
  • Food Starch Modified


  • Galbanum Oil
  • Gentian Root Extract
  • Ginger Oil and Oleoresin
  • Glycyrrhizin Ammoniated
  • Grape Juice Concentrate



  • Immortelle Absolute and Extract
  • Isoamyl Formate, Isoamyl Hexanoate


  • Jasmine Absolute, Concrete and Oil


  • Kola Nut Extract


  • Labdanum Absolute and Oleoresin
  • Lemon Oil and Extract
  • Liquorice root, fluid, extract and powder
  • Linden Flowers
  • Lovage Oil And Extract


  • Mace Powder, Extract and Oil
  • Malt and Malt Extract
  • Mandarin Oil
  • Maple Syrup and Concentrate
  • Mate Leaf, Absolute and Oil
  • Methyl Ester of Rosin, Partially Hydrogenated
  • Methyl Linoleate (48%)
  • Methyl Linolenate (52%) Mixture
  • (Methylthio)Methylpyrazine (Mixture Of Isomers)
  • Mimosa Absolute and Extract
  • Molasses Extract and Tincture
  • Mountain Maple Solid Extract
  • Mullein Flowers
  • Myrrh Oil


  • Nutmeg Powder and Oil


  • Oak chips extract and oil
  • Oakmoss absolute
  • 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (48%) and 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid (52%)
  • Opoponax oil and gum
  • Orange blossom water, absolute, and leaf absolute
  • Orange oil and extract
  • Orris concrete oil and root extract


  • Pepper Oil, Black And White
  • Petitgrain Absolute, Mandarin Oil and Terpeneless Oil
  • Pine Needle Oil, Pine Oil, Scotch
  • Pineapple Juice Concentrate
  • alpha-Pinene, beta-Pinene
  • Pipsissewa Leaf Extract
  • Plum Juice
  • Prune juice and Concentrate
  • Pyroligneous Acid And Extract


  • Raisin Juice Concentrate
  • Rose Absolute and Oil


  • Sage, Sage oil, and Sage oleoresin
  • Sandalwood oil, yellow
  • Spearmint oil
  • Styrax extract, gum and oil


  • Tea Leaf and Absolute
  • 2,3,4,5, and 3,4,5,6-Tetramethylethyl-Cyclohexanone
  • Thyme Oil, White and Red
  • Tocopherols (mixed)
  • Tolu balsam Gum and Extract



  • Valerian Root Extract, Oil and Powder
  • Vanilla Extract And Oleoresin
  • Violet Leaf Absolute


  • Walnut Hull Extract
  • Wheat Extract And Flour
  • Wild Cherry Bark Extract
  • Wine and Wine Sherry



See also[edit]


  1. ^ abCigarette Ingredients - Chemicals in Cigarettes. Tri-County Cessation Center. New York State Department of Health Tobacco Control Program.
  2. ^599 Ingredients That Can Be Found in Cigarettes. By Terry Martin. November 15, 2016.
  3. ^Pharmacological and Chemical Effects of Cigarette Additives. American Journal of Public Health. 2007 November; 97(11): 1981–1991. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2005.078014. PMC2040350. By Michael Rabinoff, DO, PhD, Nicholas Caskey, PhD, Anthony Rissling, MA, and Candice Park, BS. 'the industry has acknowledged using 599 different cigarette additives.'
  4. ^What's In a Cigarette?American Lung Association.
  5. ^Harms of Cigarette Smoking and Health Benefits of Quitting. National Cancer Institute. 'Among the 250 known harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 69 can cause cancer.'
  6. ^BAT December 12, 1986, Mutagenic Activity of Flavour Compounds. FN AQ2222, BN 400916808-400916815, cited in a health information web pageArchived 2007-06-07 at the Wayback Machine published by BUPA

External links[edit]

  • Cigarette Additives - The Sneaky Reasons They're Present. By Terry Martin. May 19, 2016.
  • What’s in a Cigarette?, Philip Morris International list of ingredients by market
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_additives_in_cigarettes&oldid=898601417'
full list marlboro cigarettes

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